The Purpose Of Any Meeting Is To Achieve A Desired Outcome.
It may be strategic planning, product-specific training, professional development, networking, reward for performance, or some combination of these objectives. At THE MEETiNG DEPARTMENT®, your objective is our primary focus, and that starts with the right location — a meeting environment which reflects the message and culture of your organization.
THE MEETiNG DEPARTMENT® specializes in helping you find the ideal location, at the best available rates, with the best available terms and conditions for your program. In addition, we bring the energy, resources and talent to assist you in all phases of meeting management, from conception to conclusion, using our wide network of hospitality industry suppliers.
Consider THE MEETiNG DEPARTMENT® your “in-house” resource for any or all of your meeting needs. When we team with you on your next project, we’ll make you feel like we’re just down the hall. We can help you identify, execute and achieve what you want from your next meeting with just one call.
Our Services
Custom RFP Development
Hotel Site Search & Proposal Analysis
Site Visit Coordination
Contract Negotiation
Post-Event Reporting

Tony Cummins, CMP, CMM
Founder & Owner